Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Don't Sit Down With A Genie

As an aspiring poker player, I can plead guilty to the fact that I spend the majority of my free time discussing with myself different strategies and situations in no-limit texas hold 'em. This "problem", as others may perceive it, has helped me conceive the appropriate title for my blog: "Waking Up On The Poker Side Of The Bed". I hope these columns can give a sense of appreciation to those who also share a deep infatuation for the cadillac of poker, while also extending some knowledge to those who hope to improve their play of no-limit texas hold 'em.

I find it very interesting how many situations that we encounter in our everyday life that we can use to both improve our play, and to further appreciate its existence. I spend a lot of my own time playing, watching, and analyzing poker. It is this phenomenon that I have coined: "Waking Up On The Poker Side Of The Bed".

If you take the time to look in a dictionary, you will find that a genie is defined as, "a spirit, often appearing in human form, that when summoned by a person carries out the wishes of the summoner." Of course we all wish we could stumble upon a genie so that we could have three wishes which would certainly be 1) a fortune 2) world peace and 3) more wishes. Unfortunately, genies are probably nothing more than folklore, but you might be able to see one at a poker table near you.

When I play poker, I keep a small piece of paper that contains eight guidelines that if followed, I feel will make me a successful poker player. Sometimes during a poker session I pull this sheet out as a way to sort of comfort myself and refocus. The second guideline on this sheet is "don't wish things true."

When I began playing poker, I encountered a problem. That problem is based on greed and every poker player has felt it at some point in their career. This problem is a need to win every pot. I notice than many new, casual, and/or inexperienced players tend to act this way and I look at them as sitting down with a genie. They 'wish' they could win every pot. They will make a gut shot call on the turn in a situation when they need to be layed over 10 to 1 when they are only getting 3 to 1. They simply wish that the right price was layed so that they can maybe hit the draw because they $really$, $$really$$, $$$really$$$, and I mean $$$$really$$$$ want to rake that pot. Over the long run they will hit around the correct number of river gutshots, but won't make even close to enough money to justify all the improper calls they have made along the way. Unfortunately for them, the only thing they will remember is that feeling of scooping that one $$$$$huge$$$$$ pot, and in their mind, it will justify all the wrong plays they have made.

They say, "I just hit those gutshots, I mean last Friday night I hit like three in a row" or "Remember when I won that huge pot when I called $75 on the turn and rivered a 4-outer..........that was awesome!!" Too often new players, and donkeys, spew that (insert whatever expletive you wish) out of their mouths. Sometimes in poker, and some days a lot of times, bad plays are rewarded. That is the game I love, but some days it can be harsh to good players, and loving to bad ones. Unfortunately, sometimes these bad players can allow a reward for a bad play cause them to become almost addicted to that play. Some players simply love chasing gutshots, love calling out of position with ace rag, or love their middle pair all because they 'wish' they were right. They wish they could win, and this desire to rake a pot causes them to act foolish. You see, folding is guaranteeing that you won't rake that pot, but by calling, that chance still lives. This is what drives their desperate and incorrect decisions.

I once heard accomplished poker professional Phil Gordon asked about what he thought was the biggest problem for amateurs and he responded with what I think is one of the best lessons to follow in poker. He replied by saying amateurs check too much when they are ahead in the hand, and bet too much when they are behind. Even though this is very basic, it rings very true for many poker players, even myself. I think this is great advice, but I think that the biggest problem in amateurs is even more basic than this. I believe the biggest problem for amateurs is they simply 'wish' they could win every pot, and this causes them to nevereverever (yeh, that kind of never) fold. I have won so many pots when once I see my opponents hand I react by asking how in the hell are they even in the hand. The fact is that they are in the pot because it is simply better than the alternative of folding. Folding guarantees loss, and they definitely don't want to do that!!

So, my advice to a beginner is to start out by learning to fold. Don't wish things true. You can't win every pot and you certainly don't need to. You need to learn to win big pots, but to win big pots, you need chips and you won't have many chips if you waste them wishing something true. I think the best thing a beginner can do is the first few times they play, really play tight, stick to the top ten hands, and learn to fold. A poker player who can't fold, can't win, it is that simple. Patience is too important in poker. You must pick and choose your spots and you must come to an understanding with yourself that you can't win every pot. So put that genie lamp away in the closet, because you don't need wishing at the table, it only brings bad calls and small stacks. Instead, bring your patience, your focus and your reason and you will soon be leaving with stacks of cash, or in other words..................wish number 1.

Good Luck!


1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog i have mine on blog spot as well as i posted before on the forum mine is I hope You find mine as intruging as I do yours. I love Texas Holdem.
